Work & Travel v USA
7.4.2024 v 18h * Rynek Inn Ostrava (Poděbradova 18)
V roce 2017 se Petra Kučerová zúčastnila programu Work & Travel, kde pracovala 3 měsíce jako servírka a následně 30 dní cestovala po USA.
Jaká byla její cesta a na co se můžete těšit?
- jaké má Amerika odlišnosti oproti Evropě
- zážitky z práce v resortu u jezera, kde se bez auta prostě nehnete
- jaké to je, žít na samotě u lesa bez internetu a telefonu
- jaké to je být jediná Češka mezi cizinci o to i mezi těmi z Evropy
- krásy severu, západu a východu USA
In 2017, Petra Kučerová participated in the Work & Travel programme, where she worked as a waitress for 3 months and then travelled around the USA for 30 days.
How was her trip and what can you look forward to?
- What are the differences between America and Europe?
- the experience of working in a lakeside resort where you can't move without a car
- what it's like to live in a secluded spot in the woods with no internet or phone
- what it's like to be the only Czech among foreigners, even among those from Europe
- the beauty of the North, West and East of the USA