Welcome to the website dedicated to the American Year project, which aims to introduce the USA in terms of travel opportunities for this extraordinarily diverse country and to introduce visitors and listeners to the culture and its legacy in the Czech Republic. We would like to present life in the United States through lectures, concerts, talks, discussions, exhibitions and meetings with native Americans and people who are professionally involved in the subject of the USA. These events take place mainly in Ostrava.
The American Year is supported by a grant from the U.S. Embassy in Prague.
"This website is about the United States of America. As we can imagine it, America of our imaginations, dreams and wishes, a unique experiment of white, black, red, yellow and brown people, mixed, for various reasons into the most colorful picture in the world. At its birth, pleasure and sorrow, brightness and foolishness, hard work and war were not missing either. Each of the creators brought his dreams, habits, traditions, culture and art to the New World, without knowing what their efforts would bring forth. This is the way America was born and those who created it became a new nation.
America is a pragmatic country and its dream would never have come into being if it had not been possible to realize it. They say all it takes is to stop dreaming, work as you go, learn from mistakes, be patient and believe. As simple as it sounds, it is actually difficult. After all, what a realization of any dream, anywhere in the world. " Aleš Kysela
If you have a suggestion for what could be included in the Year of the Americas program, we'd love to hear from you.